Oxbury New Gen
Oxbury is supporting a new generation of farmers! One of the major barriers for young people entering the industry is access to finance. Oxbury is changing the traditional approach from banks to support new farmers by helping them to become established in the industry.
Oxbury New Gen will fund your venture and provide you with help and guidance from agricultural sector experts (depending on business requirement) to ensure you get the best chance for success.
When assessing your proposal, Oxbury will assess your ability to afford and repay the borrowing requested based on the assumptions in your business plan.
Funding - Subject to affordability being evident in your business plan, Oxbury may provide up to 100% of the funding required which means you may not need to contribute any of the funding yourself.
Business and financial advice - Successful applicants will benefit from business and financial advice (depending on the business requirement), paid for by Oxbury and provided through a panel of independent regional and national farm advisory services to help create, and then track the delivery and progress of the business plan.
If you have any questions before submitting your application, then please email SAM@oxbury.com. Before contacting us, you can review eligibility criteria and examples of what we can fund in the sections below.

Some examples of what Oxbury New Gen can fund
Am I eligible?
- New Business
You must be a new business set up within the last three years - Agricultural Focus
Your proposed business plan must have agriculture as the core business activity - 18 - 40 years old
You must be between the ages of 18 – 40 at the time of application - Experience
You must have relevant practical experience working in the agricultural sector - Not Earning
You must not be earning an economic wage from your own farm

This process outlined is intended as a guide. Your Relationship Manager may require further information about your proposal at any stage during the application process depending on your borrowing requirement.
Stage 1
Online application to assess the eligibility for funding
- Complete an online application form
- After initial checks, Oxbury will ask you to submit your CV and a cashflow statement to support your funding requirement
- You will be assigned to an Oxbury Relationship Manager
Within 1-2 weeks, Oxbury will confirm your eligibility to progress to the next stage.
Stage 2
- You will be invited to attend a virtual interview to present your business proposal, financial assumptions, and answer questions
- Presentations should last for 20 minutes, allowing an additional 10 minutes for questions
Within 1-5 weeks, Oxbury will confirm your eligibility to progress to the next stage
Stage 3
Final business plan approval
- At this stage your assigned Oxbury Relationship Manager will work with you to finalise your full business proposal and support you through the funding application process.
This stage will take no longer than 12 weeks

How we have helped our customers
A day on the farm with Oxbury New Gen customers, Callum James and Anna Lampitt of Haddon Farm.
More information
Through the application process, the following information is required
- Personal details
- Overview of your business proposal (this would contain a maximum of 400 words)
- Key risks to your proposal (a maximum of 200 words)
- Your key strengths and why we should support you (a maximum of 400 words)
- Your ambition for the business for the next 20 years (a maximum of 200 words)
- Details of your practical experience within farming (a maximum of 200 words)
- Details of how you plan to meet environmental, climate and sustainability requirements (a maximum of 200 words) - For example:
- using energy efficient machinery or equipment
- using renewable energy sources
- contributing to 'Net Zero' carbon targets
After you have filled in your online application, we will then contact you to provide a copy of your:
- CV
- Cashflow forecast (download cashflow forecast template)
To note:
- You should only submit one online application for your business proposal
- You can withdraw your application at any time, but you must let us know
- If you have any questions before submitting your application, then please email SAM@oxbury.com. Before contacting us, you can check eligibility criteria and examples of what we can fund in the sections above.
For Welsh applicants only:
Farming Connect - Start to Farm
Start to Farm - Farming Connect can match farmers and landowners who are looking to step back from the industry with new entrants looking for a way into farming. It guides people on both sides through the key steps required to find a potential business partner. The package of support offers a matching service, mentoring, business planning and legal advice to provide guidance at every stage of establishing a joint venture.
Farming Connect - Mentoring
Mentoring - Farming Connect has a team of mentors who will be able to support and challenge their peers on a wide range of topics. The mentoring programme is targeted at farmers and foresters of every age and business status, including new entrants. Farming Connect Mentors have ‘been there, done that’ and can develop relationships based on mutual trust and respect. They will be able to share their knowledge, experience, and impartial views to help you identify your goals and fulfil your potential.
For Scottish applicants only:
Scottish Farm Advisory Services
Regardless of farm size or business stage, the Scottish Farm Advisory Service can help you to increase the profitability and sustainability of your farming business through Government funding for one-to-one advice, worth up to a total of £3,700.
One-to-one services include:
- Integrated Land Management Plan
- Carbon Audits
- Specialist Advice
- Mentoring for New Entrants